Crumple parchment paper before you use it.

I saw this on Martha Stewart. I love Martha Stewart. She’s so capable with those giant hands of hers (you just know that dough she’s rolling is going to behave). And that soothing monotone. It truly is a good thing. In fact, one of my favorite things to do is make a cup of tea, curl up on the couch, and watch Martha Stewart, content in the knowledge that she’s got far more time on her hands then I ever will and that I will never, ever make my own hand-carved spice box to hold the spices I have made from the plants I’ve grown in my incredibly neat and handy kitchen garden.

But, I digress.

I was watching and one day she was baking (go figure), and had to line the baking pan with parchment paper. She balled it up and then spread it out in the pan.

It was a “Eureka!” moment for me!

The paper doesn’t roll up, pop up, or any of the other unruly things it normally does. So go make some brownies right now, ideally using Deb Perlman’s favorite brownie recipe (I’ve got it in my Recipe section). They are AMAZING brownies and there’s a good chance you have everything you need in your pantry (as long as you keep semisweet chocolate on hand. And if you don’t, I recommend you do. It needed be anything fancy or crazy expensive.) Just don’t forget to crumple the parchment paper.