I am very good at laundry. The washing part, that is. The part where you pull the clothes out of the dryer and put them away…well, not so much.

My house in Louisiana was tee na na (super small) and the laundry “room” was a closet in the hallway. I confess that “putting clothes away” usually meant pulling the clothes out of the dryer and placing them (in a still-warm ball) on top of the dryer.

Yes. I had to iron a lot. (Apparently, Mom was right, and hanging up your shirts and such while still warm is key.)

Life changed when I installed a rod in the closet—an adjustable shower curtain rod, in fact. It’s an easy install that really helps with the laundry process as you now have hangars handy. And a place to keep the hung-up clothing if you don’t make the walk to your closet.*

*I highly recommend making the walk to your closet. Otherwise, your laundry room becomes a second clothes closet and you can never find your favorite shirt. Not that anything like that ever happened to me.